Customizable Syllabus Templates (Updated)


Even though we don't head back to school for another three weeks, I decided to take a look at few school-related things recently and realized that my syllabus needed some major love. I was pretty happy with the syllabus content when I wrote it last year, but this year I knew I could do much better.

Here is a look at my syllabus before.

Syllabus - Before.PNG

It's not the worst thing in the world (okay, maybe it is...), but it's a pretty standard syllabus with absolutely no visual interest.

Now, several hours and a few cups of coffee later, here’s a look at my revised syllabus.

Syllabus - After.PNG
Syllabus - After 2.PNG

Since I had quite a few people ask me about this syllabus from my instastory yesterday, I decided to share the syllabus love by turning it into a downloadable template. It'll be posted as a freebie for the duration of my blog launch week.

UPDATE (8/15/16):

I received such positive feedback about the syllabus template I shared during my blog launch week that it has now turned into a Customizable Syllabus Template Pack that includes 3 front page options and 3 second page options to choose from, so you can mix & match to fit your style and needs. Also, pretty much everything in the template pack is now movable/customizable, whereas the original template I posted had more static components. Thank you so much to all who provided their thoughts & feedback on this. Make sure to follow me on




for exclusive access to upcoming products and freebies! Enjoy!


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